![]() 04/12/2017 at 17:07 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
That was all so unnecessary. Dr. Dao is going to be flying First Class for the rest of his life. But that was probably his plan.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 17:09 |
nah imma wait till their offer is over a grand before i comply
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I don’t think his plan was to have the shit beaten out of him.
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Unnecessary? If I pay for a plane ticket, I’m flying on that plane. Tough titties if the airline overbooked it/needs their clowns to fly somewhere. If you cant find takers, keep upping the offer until you get some.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 17:15 |
Depends. If I have the time to wait, then fine, but make it VERY worth my time.
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I would also sit tight and take a beating, like a true Daoist.
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I heard they’d gotten up to $1,000. I’d have stood and said, “I’ll do it for fifteen hundred.”
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Funny how no one’s said a word about the other three they forced to de-plane.
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Agreed. Unnecessary on both sides.
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I guess he didn’t have that great of a plan.
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That’s because when the flight crew asked them to deplane, they complied. Or when the cops showed up, they complied. IMHO, they got the better outcome than Dr. Dao did.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 17:39 |
Same. Totally.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 17:39 |
This is some pretty serious victim-blaming you’re doing. You seriously think this person got on this flight with the hope and intention of the flight being overbooked, them “randomly selecting” him to be booted, and then protest this action by getting a beating and getting kicked off the plane? Not much better than all the articles digging in to the guy’s past. It has absolutely no relevance to what United did to a paying customer. Regardless of what the passenger has done in his life or even during that event, there were many instances for United to fix this situation – every single one of which they failed miserably.
If your flight is over-booked then you better damn well make
sure you only allow passengers who have been cleared to board and fly the route
past the gate and on to the plane. Once you’re already sitting in your seat and
all ready for flight it’s a pretty reasonable expectation to not be asked to
get off the plane because the flight was overbooked or staff needs to fly –
because they already gave you the green light and let you board.
Sure, there might be some fine print with an “out” for the airline, just as many contracts have legal jargon of that nature – but as a company it’s best to make sure your policies and procedures are teed up so that you absolutely avoid instances like this at all costs. Unless you enjoy PR nightmares and paying out the nose for lawsuits, that is.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 17:42 |
No man, only on the airlines side. The guy paid for a ticket and was on the plane...it’s done, it’s his seat.
I balked at a $1600 offer and two night hotel stay when I left Austin after F1 in 2013. I had just started a new job, and worked that trip into the offer when I signed. So there was no way I was going to call up my brand new boss and say “yea, I’m just going to extend my vacation 2 more days.” The airline got uppity and kept on pushing. I said “If you keep pressing me, I’m going to make a big deal about this.” Then I flew home.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 17:46 |
Some federal law about hampering a flight crew member, or something like that, would probably apply here. I never even
that Dr. Dao’s past had any relevance here. I’m just guessing that right about now, he’s wishing he’d gotten off the plane when the flight crew asked him to. Or for that matter, when the cops asked him to. Sometimes in life, you don’t get to call your own shots and recognizing when it’s one of those times is a good way to avoid having overzealous cops brutalize you.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 17:53 |
How were you the lucky one to receive the airline’s attention in this case?
I used to work in San Francisco and one day I was getting a bagel or something and in the gutter, I found a UPS Next-Day-Air package that was undelivered. It was small, maybe 4 inches on each dimension. I flagged down a UPS driver and gave it to him. Someone paid to get that delivered and somehow, due to some mistake, the package did not arrive. Or maybe it did, because some do-gooder tried to increase his Karma.
I theorize that this will be costly for the entire industry. Folks will stay seated and demand much more money before they are bumped. But even in your case, with law enforcement standing there, would you have refused to deplane? Job or no job, I hope not.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 17:57 |
Agreed – he SHOULD have gotten off to avoid this whole deal, just like United SHOULD have done a whole host of things to avoid this. As an individual regular person going about a mundane task my expectations of him (who knows what he had been going through that day) are far lower than a for-profit corporation whose entire existence revolves around transporting people in situations such as these. People throw fits or act erratically at all sorts of unexpected things – it is the company’s responsibility to avoid these instances.
More United fun from an article today on a separate incident- http://www.latimes.com/business/lazarus/la-fi-lazarus-united-low-priority-passenger-20170412-story.html
![]() 04/12/2017 at 17:58 |
FUCK THOSE FUCKERS! They better drag my ass out. Fuckin paying 400+ of my hard earned goddamn dollars to get home and because they want to make a buck selling something that doesn’t exist? Fuck all that noise! Have them take the next fucking flight or make the 4 hour drive in a rental.
The prices are jacked to cover this sort of shit already. Why do they want to double dip? Take it out our their corporate pay checks. Oh no, they won’t do that huh?
I wouldn’t fight back, but that hired goon will have to look into my eyes as he drags his fellow tax payer and fellow man out of a plane. They have the power to make the right decisions. Fuck those shit breath assholes in charge!
![]() 04/12/2017 at 18:05 |
I wasn’t the lucky one. The flight was waaaay overbooked because most American’s have never heard of F1, so all of the business travelers were stumped early that Monday as to why there were a bazillion people in the airport and lots of flights were over booked.
I got singled out because I kept saying no as they raised the offer. They kept asking why and didn’t I want the money blah blah blah, I just stayed silent, until I said what I said. Shortly after the second most reluctant traveler took that offer.
I would definitely have refused to get off the plane. I would have done so respectfully and peacefully (job or no job), they’d be dragging me/carrying me but I wouldn’t resist once they started. Then I would have remained silent until I was able to call my attorney. It’s totally unreasonable to pull a paying customer off the plane unless he/she is dangerous. If this guy was dangerous at all it’s because of how the shit airline handled the situation. I’d never fly the airline again, and I’d be walking out to a 997 turbo in about 5 minutes.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 18:08 |
Right? If he hadn’t lost his shit this wouldn’t have even made the news. Hell, it probably wouldn’t have even made TWITTER.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 18:08 |
I am not using, have not used, the S-word:
. I avoid using that word because there is a judgment implied by its use. I am saying that in
my own
case, I
have complied. And I wouldn’t be surprised if Dr. Dow is now wishing that he had complied. Discretion is the better part of valor.
I think that this event will be costly for the entire industry because passengers are going to hold their ground for much larger payouts to get them to give up their seats. Airlines are beastly. I never suggested otherwise.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 18:15 |
You keep an attorney on retainer?
I don’t fly much, so I don’t have to depend upon them much, and I keep rather low expectations. When I do fly, I try to fly Southwest because my expectations and their standards are within reach of each other.
I am too lazy to read again everything that I have posted on this, but I am pretty certain that I have not said Dr. Dao was wrong , only what I would do, or would not do, if I found myself in the same situation.
The entire industry is now probably mad at UAL. And the entire industry brought it on themselves. They suck and they treat us like crap and they’re making money hand over fist.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 18:20 |
It has been mentioned on the kinjaverse somewhere (the person even posted the reg. Numbers and section).
He was seated...FAA rules then supersede. He was unlawfully asked to give up his seat. UNITED broke the law. Their mistake was letting people on the plane THEN trying to sort out the seats for employees. The FAA forbids this.
He will get paid, and paid again from the outlets presumed to describe his “past” (turns out that it may have been a different guy that had the troubled history, just a similar name)
![]() 04/12/2017 at 18:20 |
Damn. Really not cool.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 18:21 |
I think it is going to cost the entire industry a pile of money, though. Passengers will hold out for better offers when their seat is being given away.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 18:24 |
Thanks for clarifying. This has been a very interesting thread because all I ever said was that I would have complied, and taken a bunch of money for doing so. I guess that makes me a sheeple...
And a correction: I misspelled the man’s name above. I wrote
and it’s
. I’d gotten it correct previously...
![]() 04/12/2017 at 18:38 |
More or less. I got in enough trouble with my skateboard in my younger days to warrant one. Beyond that I do enough contract work where I need someone I can call for advice more than legal action. We barter unless he has to show up to court or something.
I don’t think anyone besides Mr. Dao can say weather it was necessary or not, but if it were me it’s definitely necessary. I had my ass kicked before for standing up for what I believe is right. So there is no way I’m backing down when there is no doubt.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 18:38 |
Maybe it’ll change things for the better.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 18:41 |
May I ask what is your field of endeavor? I am curious. I’m a public school educator.
I think that our discussion here has zeroed in on what’s important about this story. That wasn’t a battle I would have chosen and I have difficulty understanding why someone would, though your context is clearly different from mine. It’s interesting; we all view the world through different lenses. Thanks for the chat.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 18:49 |
It was his plan for United to overbook a flight, have no one accept their paltry offer, get randomly selected, and then have a Chicago police officer smash his face on a seat?
That is the absolute dumbest thing I’ve heard in a while.
I’d get off too (not for $800), but I’m not a doctor who has patients waiting for me.
I’ve been boycotting United for the last three years. They fucked over my family and I and were extremely unhelpful. We actually threw a “Fuck United” party when we finally made it back home. Had an airplane cake and everything.
I paid more than I had to in order to use a different airline last time I flew to Europe with my family.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 18:51 |
I’m in IT. I work for consultants 8-6 and myself nights and weekends. Most of my clients are consultants/law offices.
No worries, and I can totally get with not wanting the shit kicked out of you! I’m just too hard headed for that, I was a little guy in high school, now I’m not.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 19:02 |
Understood. I would probably comply then: now, after this incident, I would be more inclined to wait for the “involuntary” level of cash they can offer.
Then again, I wouldn’t get bumped anymore. I fly enough to have airline status and fly on fairly high fare-level tickets (refundable, due nature of work). Those two key points make the bump-algorithm look the other way. Plus a whole other ace in my pocket *wink*nod* “I’m afraid you have to pick someone else, as I have official matters to attend to.”
![]() 04/12/2017 at 19:16 |
What’s dumb is coming in hot about something that you have misread, or not attempted to clarify if you found it unclear. (Though it sounds like you have good reason not to cut UAL any slack.) I do not imagine that Dr. Dao’s
extended much beyond remaining in his seat, and it’s certainly not a plan that I would have made, and that’s about the only thing I’ve said. That and, thanks to Dr. Dao, bumping people from flights probably just got a lot more expensive for all of the airlines.
I read that the offers had reached $1,000.
Airlines are generally detestable entities, IMHO and fortunately, I do not need to fly very often. I have found Southwest and Virgin America to be notably less detestable exceptions.
My brother works for UAL as a mechanic. Interestingly, he was laid off during the first big down turn, and returned to his job something like twelve years later, after becoming a nurse. Go figure.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 19:22 |
I was a social leper in high school, and I never passed Algebra. Now I teach Algebra in high school. (Well, middle school as of three years ago, but 12 years in the former). And I was picked on mercilessly because I was fat and unathletic and probably looked hurt every time someone called me fat. If they’d called the cops, the first time one of the cops said, “Sir, we will be forced to remove you,” I’d have been like, “Well, let’s avoid that .”
High school sucked. Two of my three daughters were so done with it that they got themselves out early. One by a semester and the other by more than a year.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 19:27 |
I love it. I’m glad that there are some whom the airlines are forced to treat well. Enjoy it. I fly but seldom. Seldom enough that it’s more of a hobby. I stare down at the earth, concentrate on how the aircraft is being operated and crewed, then make a point of asking the pilot one or two well informed questions after the flight so that he knows someone is paying attention. I also enjoy interacting with the flight attendants and cracking their shells in human kind of ways. I like to be the passenger in a thousand who treats the FA like an actual human. It’s fun. Can you share any more about your field of endeavor?
![]() 04/12/2017 at 19:49 |
Google the good Dr. Dao. Had his medical license revoked in 2005 for illegal prescription opioid dispensing. Scumbags like him ruin people’s lives. He can go to hell (from a fellow physician).
![]() 04/12/2017 at 20:01 |
In what other business would it be acceptable to make a customer return for the item they have already purchased?
“sorry I can’t make your sub today, Jill forgot her lunch so she’ll get the roll that was intended for you. You can come back in 6 hours to pick up your previously purchased sub and coupon for a free sub.
Fuck United and any other airline that does this. And fuck the cops for being hired muscle to enforce United screw up.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 21:53 |
I have not read any details about why UAL needed a crew at the other end of Dr. Dao’s flight, though I would be curious to learn that. Ultimately, the only point I was making was that if I were in a seat on an airplane and some cops said, “Sir, we are going to be forced to remove you from that seat,” I would say, “Well, let’s avoid that .”
And to your point about the cops: there was a viral video a year ago or so of a cop throwing a high school girl across the classroom. First, he did not know his own strength and the girl probably weighed about 90 pounds, including her iPhone. Second, the school should never have called the COPS to remove this girl from her seat without figuring out some other way to deescalate the situation. Then again, the girl was 16 and Dr. Dao is more like 46 and buys his own deodorant, assuming that he wears any. Or she.
Lots of layers of unnecessary here, but if I were the guy in the seat, I’d have vacated before I was dragged out by some cops.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 22:22 |
No, Infully understood what you were saying and I think it was dumb. The payouts by airlines are capped by law, so it isn’t going to get any more expensive for them. I doubt watching a guy get his face smashed by law enforcement and then go into some sort of episode is going to encourage more people to do this. Most people are pretty averse to getting hit in the face.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 22:32 |
Then I am not sure why you are claiming that I said a dumb thing when all I said was I would have avoided getting hit in the face. I am averse to that.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 22:46 |
That wasn’t the part that was dumb. I explained it fully in my first post.
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The problem with that is that the crew was probably only authorized to up the offer to a certain point. I’m surprised nobody else tried to negiotiate with the people who were being bumped. Dude’s a doctor that supposedly has patients to see. Well if he’s that important he probably has some cash. I’d straight up be like “yo Dao, how about if you wanna stay on this plane so bad you toss me a G and then I’ll take up UA’s offer so you can fly, yo!” Make sweet cash mane. You gets the money from the airline and the flush doctor, bro!
![]() 04/12/2017 at 23:36 |
For a forced bump the DOT requires a $1350 or 4x the one way payment in cash. I don’t care if it costs them a million. I am sure if they started offering cash again after he refused someone else would have taken it. UAL decided instead to escillate the situation.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 23:38 |
Yeah I’m sure he planned to get bloodied up just for the perks.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 23:44 |
I’d have gotten up before I let the cops drag me.
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I don’t think he began with an end in mind.
![]() 04/12/2017 at 23:53 |
To each their own. I would not have. They would have to drag me off the plane too.
![]() 04/13/2017 at 00:23 |
I think UAL and the cops were epic wrong, but I wouldn’t have taken them on like that.
![]() 04/13/2017 at 01:29 |
good for you bro.
![]() 04/13/2017 at 10:48 |
OK, tell me how that is even relevant to what happened here again? Stay on point, sir.
![]() 04/13/2017 at 16:59 |
It’s a shame we didn’t go to school together. I would have enjoyed doing terrible things to the people that gave you a hard time. My first in school suspension was for putting dog shit into a classmates lunch box that told me I should have been a blowjob.
I was always in trouble for stuff like that but punishments were always light from the school and non existent from my parents as I was almost always doing things like that in my own or someone else’s “defense”.